🀝 Partners

πŸ‘‹ This program is for distributors, fellow music industry softwares/services, trade associations, communities, business management firms, and other organizations that work with catalogs and want to help them grow.

For royalty accounting service providers that want to license the IC software in bulk, book a time with our co-founder Hunter to discuss.

For our 1:1 referral program, head here.

🀝 The IC Partners Program

Infinite Catalog is a groundbreaking royalty accounting software and service company – our catalogs/clients think so, anyway.

Those clients are record labels, publishers, managers, artists, producers, and other creator businesses, who use IC to unify and analyze royalty data, make royalty accounting easier, and grow better together with their collaborators and payees.

If you work with the same kind of clients we do, we’d love to consider teaming up via the IC Partners Program. The program is focused on client cross-pollination, costs nothing, and is both easy to spin up and mutually beneficial for all involved.

Sound great? To apply, fill out this form. Wanna know more? Read on.

✨ A few of our illustrious Partners ✨

What Partners Get

  • The opportunity for additional clients. We facilitate exposure to your brand amongst our hundreds of catalog clients and thousands of community members.
  • A standing discount on IC for your clients via a sign up page featuring your branding, e.g. the one here.
  • An announcement/kickoff event, introducing our respective communities to each others’ products/services.
  • Zero cost/liability/commitment: no referral fees ensures the partnership is motivated by the best interests of our clients; IC’s Customer Service Agreement absolves partners from liability; partnerships are non-exclusive.

How It Works

Step One: If there isn’t one already, we facilitate at least one crossover client to ensure it’s a fit, then we build the [Your Brand] 🀝 IC discount page (e.g. the one here).

Step Two: We announce the partnership (and ideally do a kickoff event/webinar of some kind) to make it official.

Step Three: We begin regularly featuring your news in the IC Community Weekly, giving you regular exposure to our community.

That’s it!

To apply, fill out this form.