🆕 This Week in IC

Pre-filtered views for Release and Track transactions, better cleanup for Secretly Chargebacks, and new/updated Merlin and Morr Music importers

🆕 Pre-filtered views for Release and Track transactions
Release and track pages now have a dropdown Transactions menu, which lets you quickly jump to that object’s Income, Expense, or Transfer transactions! You can add additional filters and reporting right from the pre-filtered view.

⚙️ We’ve improved the Secretly Chargeback cleanup process.
Moving forward, IC will look for matches to existing Items that were cleaned up from past Secretly Chargeback imports, and recommend matches accordingly. This will make it much easier to assign these chargebacks to the right place!

🧑‍🔧 New and updated importers this week include an update to our Merlin importer suite and a Morr Music importer…

📄 … so naturally we added new Merlin and Morr Music help docs.